
The 29th Midnight Sun Film Festival held in Sodankylä, Lapland, wrapped up Sunday. 25,000 visitors flocked to see films in the northern cult festival.

KAUTOKEINO: Even though the Kildin Sámi language is at risk of dying out, the culture and traditions can be saved through music.

A remote Norwegian island is nearly ready to start producing the first-ever batch of Arctic whiskey, an expression, they are sure will be a hit on the market.

When Bjørne Kvernmo docked his ship, “Havsel,” at the port in Tromsø this month, he knew it would be the end of a tradition he’s kept up for 40 years. With his return, northern Norway’s long-standing seal hunt had finally come to a close. 

Oleg Birlinskiy knows he took a risk.  

The Khibiny mountains (

Regional authorities in Murmansk have approved plans for a major extention of the skiing resorts in Kirovsk, in the central part of the Kola Peninsula.

If you see a lot of 50-øre coins on sidewalks, that’s because as of May 1, they are no longer in circulation in Norway.

Russian church demands special status for two of the main tourist attractions in Barents Russia, Solovki and Valaam archipelagos.

LUJÁVRI: Sámi ensemble travelled for hours on snowmobiles in order to sing and dance with reindeer herders on the Kola Peninsula.

Tromsø in northern Norway these days is host for the world’s fourth largest sports event – the Chess Olympiad. More than 3000 people from nearly 180 nations have come to Tromsø for the competition.

Europe’s longest and and one of the world’s hardest dog sledge races, Finnmarksløpet, takes place this week. The winner becomes the world champion for 2015.

The 2014 Sochi Olympic Winter Games

Regional authorities in Murmansk have proposed to the Russian President that the region becomes official training ground for athletes ahead of the 2014 Sochi Olympics.

This week Kirkenes and the Norwegian Union of Education mark the 70 years anniversary of the internal exile of 1100 teachers who refused to teach Vidkun Quisling’s Nazi curriculum during the Second World War.

See the video of the opening of Barents Spektakel festival 2013.

First time a city in the Barents Region takes on the prestigious mantle of being one of the two EU capitals of culture.